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Understanding Common Reasons for Divorce

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Financial stress, poor conflict resolution, lack of intimacy, and lack of family support are among the top reasons leading up to a divorce, but all too often couples fail to recognize the signs that a marriage is in trouble before it is too late. Understanding common reasons for divorce can provide valuable information to those trying to improve their marriage or people who have divorced and are contemplating a second marriage.

Financial Stress in the Marriage

Many marry for financial security. Consequently, financial stress in the marriage – a lack of needed or desired financial resources – can take a can take a toll on the marriage sometimes resulting in divorce.  Executing a prenuptial or post nuptial agreement can be a helpful tool for couples to get on the same page regarding current and desired financial outcomes. Working together as a team right from the start can help couples tackle problems more effectively when the going gets tough.

Poor Conflict Resolution

Another warning sign that a marriage might be at risk includes poor conflict resolution. Ongoing arguments over parenting, the division of household labor, use of finances, and even issues with extended family are common areas of conflict that can erode a marriage. Sometimes counseling helps couples identify and solve areas of contention – perhaps agreeing to disagree on some issues – before they get out of hand.

Incompatibility and Lack of Intimacy

The promise of companionship and intimacy, and sometimes the desire to start a family, lead many to seek marriage. Issues of incompatibility may only surface after a couple lives together for a period of time where one or both discover their values and morals do not align. Having children poses unique challenges.  Many couples that have divorced state that they would have waited longer before getting married (i.e. to know partner better) and delayed having children to ensure a good match.

Disapproval of Family and Friends

Sometimes family members and friends can inadvertently or intentionally influence outcomes in a marriage. Many couples do not appreciate that disapproval of a spouse by family members or friends is a sign of a marriage at risk despite the fact it is cited as a leading cause of divorce. 

Contact an Experienced Divorce Lawyer

By understanding common causes of divorce, couples can take steps to alleviate issues in the marriage or avoid carrying over the same issues in to a future relationship after a divorce. If you are considering divorce, it is important to work with an experienced divorce attorney to ensure that your interests are protected. Contact Probst Law Offices S.C. for immediate assistance today.  

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