If you are considering divorce, it is important to understand how attorney billing and miscellaneous fees are handled before hiring an attorney. It is a good idea to ask questions about fees when hiring a divorce lawyer at your initial consultation so you know what you can expect if you hire the attorney. What is […]
What to Expect from Your Divorce Attorney
During your initial consultation with a divorce attorney, it is important to ask questions regarding the handling of your case. The following are some questions you may want to ask to get a feel for the day to day handling of your case before making a decision to hire a divorce attorney: Who will be […]
Finalizing Your Divorce in 2018 May Save You Money
A reminder to those considering divorce…new tax laws will impact how spousal maintenance is treated beginning January 1, 2019, which can make a difference in how much money remains in the the family unit. Current Tax Laws and Spousal Maintenance Spouses who pay alimony that finalize their divorce on or before December 31, 2018 will […]
Pet Custody in a Divorce
To the delight of pet lovers across the state, last year the Illinois legislature passed a new pet custody in a divorce law that allows judges to consider the well-being of a pet when allocating sole or joint ownership in an Illinois divorce. Much like child custody, the new pet custody law allows a judge […]
Appealing Wisconsin Family Court Commissioner Order
Typically, in Wisconsin, family law matters will be heard in front of a family court commissioner out of a need for efficiency and expediency. Sometimes parties believe that the commissioner “got it wrong” and wonder if there is any recourse. The answer is yes. If you disagree with a commissioner’s decision in a contested family […]
Divorce and Business Ownership
The possibility of divorce should be an integral part of your business financial planning – the survival of your business may depend on it. It is not just your own divorce you need to worry about, but the possibility that your business partner or an investor may divorce down the road putting your company at […]
Moms Returning to Work After Divorce
The vast majority of parents who take time off to raise children would ultimately like to return to the workplace. This is particularly true for stay-at-home parents that are divorcing who find themselves thrust into finding employment to financially support their family. Returning to Work After a Divorce Although there are more dads staying home […]
Waukesha Domestic Violence Divorce Attorney
Waukesha Domestic Violence Divorce Attorney | Restraining Orders for Wisconsin Divorce If you are considering divorce and have concerns regarding domestic abuse, child abuse, substance abuse or other safety issues that may put you or your children in danger from your soon-to-be ex-spouse, you may want to consider contacting a Waukesha domestic violence divorce attorney […]
Wisconsin Divorce and Temporary Court Orders
If you are considering divorce, you likely have questions about the legal process, concerns regarding how property such as the family home or car will be handled and, if children are involved, support and custody concerns. It is beneficial to have a basic understanding of the overall process so that you can move forward confidently. […]