To the delight of pet lovers across the state, last year the Illinois legislature passed a new pet custody in a divorce law that allows judges to consider the well-being of a pet when allocating sole or joint ownership in an Illinois divorce. Much like child custody, the new pet custody law allows a judge […]
Divorce and Business Ownership
The possibility of divorce should be an integral part of your business financial planning – the survival of your business may depend on it. It is not just your own divorce you need to worry about, but the possibility that your business partner or an investor may divorce down the road putting your company at […]
Divorce and Family Business Valuation
Many couples in the U.S. are small business owners. If you and your spouse are considering divorce, figuring out what to do with the family business requires careful consideration. If you and your spouse have a good working relationship and can put aside your differences, one option is to continue to own the business together. […]
Retirement Accounts in a Divorce | Waukesha Property Division Lawyer
If you are considering divorce, you and your spouse may have retirement accounts subject to marital property division. It is important to evaluate what steps you need to take to ensure that these accounts are divided between the parties. There are several types of retirement accounts that may be divided in a divorce. The most […]
High Stakes Marital Property Division in a Complex Divorce
Marital property division in a divorce typically involves common assets such as your home, automobiles and retirement accounts. In financially complex divorces, couples often have a wider of variety assets that require attention. Dividing Complicated Assets in a Divorce Among the many assets a couple may have are stock options and restricted stock, deferred compensation, […]
Marital Property Division | Waukesha Wisconsin Divorce Lawyers
During marriage, couples accumulate many assets such as cars, homes, investments and more. If you are considering a Wisconsin divorce, you may have questions regarding how your assets will be divided between you and your spouse. Wisconsin is a community property state, which means that property purchased with income earned during the marriage is considered […]