When you are awarded alimony or child support in a divorce, it is important for the court to order the payor to take out life insurance to secure the obligation. Life insurance is needed not only to make sure a child has sufficient support in the event of the payer’s untimely death, but also to […]
Cohabitation Grounds for Terminating Spousal Maintenance?
When a spouse receiving spousal maintenance remarries, the support obligation ends. But, what happens if an ex-spouse lives with someone outside of marriage? In Wisconsin, cohabitation may be grounds for a modification or cessation of spousal maintenance, but cohabitation alone is not enough to modify or terminate maintenance. A court will consider various factors to […]
Remarriage May Impact Spousal & Child Support in Wisconsin
Sometimes a financially dependent spouse is awarded spousal maintenance aka alimony in a divorce for a defined period of time or permanently depending on various factors such as the length of a marriage and financial need. If the recipient later remarries or cohabitates, alimony payments will end regardless of whether the remarriage improves the financial […]
Wisconsin Alimony Determination
If you are a stay-at-home parent considering divorce, you may have concerns about making ends meet after the divorce when you have been financially dependent on a spouse. Alimony or spousal maintenance is not always awarded in a Wisconsin divorce, but with the help of an experienced attorney you may be able to present a […]
Life Insurance for Child and Spousal Support Obligations
When spouses divorce, the higher earning spouse may be ordered to pay alimony or, if there are children from the marriage, child support. Because children in particular depend on the financial support of their parents, many wonder what happens in the event of a payor’s untimely death – is there a way to protect the […]
Terminate or Reduce Spousal Support
When you are ordered to pay Wisconsin spousal maintenance as part of your divorce, you may wonder what circumstances trigger the termination of the spousal support, aka alimony, payments or what you can do to reduce the amount you have to pay. An award of temporary or rehabilitative maintenance meant to provide time for a […]
Court Order for Wisconsin Alimony
If you have been awarded rehabilitative alimony for a period of time or permanent alimony, you may wonder how you will receive the spousal support payments and what you can do if your spouse does not make payments as ordered. If a paying spouse does not want to get tangled-up with making court ordered monthly […]
Finalizing Your Divorce in 2018 May Save You Money
A reminder to those considering divorce…new tax laws will impact how spousal maintenance is treated beginning January 1, 2019, which can make a difference in how much money remains in the the family unit. Current Tax Laws and Spousal Maintenance Spouses who pay alimony that finalize their divorce on or before December 31, 2018 will […]
Can I Make My Spouse Move Out During Divorce?
During a divorce, you may want to stay in the family home especially when are children involved. If your spouse refuses to leave, there are certain conditions under which a court can order him or her to go, particularly if the other spouse or children feel threatened. You may request a temporary order if there […]
Appealing Wisconsin Family Court Commissioner Order
Typically, in Wisconsin, family law matters will be heard in front of a family court commissioner out of a need for efficiency and expediency. Sometimes parties believe that the commissioner “got it wrong” and wonder if there is any recourse. The answer is yes. If you disagree with a commissioner’s decision in a contested family […]