Anything shared on social media is public information which can be used against you in a divorce. Even private messages or posts could eventually find their way to your soon to be ex-spouse, potentially impacting your ability to negotiate a favorable settlement agreement. Social Media Don’ts During Divorce Although it might be tempting, avoid complaining […]
Tips to Reduce the Cost of Divorce
One concern that many divorcing couples share is the cost of getting a divorce. Even when divorcing couples see mostly eye to eye, it is difficult to reach an agreement without legal representation particularly if there are children involved or there are assets to divide, which may or may not be easy decisions to make. […]
Divorced Parents Vie for Child Tax Credits
With tax season in full swing, many divorced parents have questions regarding who gets to claim dependent children, which can have large impact on the taxes they will pay. This is not limited to the head of household filing status, but includes Dependent Care Credits and the Child Tax Credit, which can reduce taxable income […]
Co-Parenting in a Divorce
Many parents worry about how their children will adjust to a divorce. While many assume divorce is always bad for children, it is not all that surprising that in cases of high conflict marriages kids may actually benefit. This is especially true if parents can leave the conflict behind after the divorce, forging a workable […]
The Pitfalls of a DIY Divorce | The Family Home
When couples decide to separate, among the many considerations is the expense of getting a divorce. If you and your spouse basically agree on just about everything, you may wonder if you can save time and money with a do-it-yourself divorce. The best way to answer the question is to take a closer look at […]
Divorce and the Holidays
Navigating the holiday season following a recent divorce or during ongoing divorce proceedings can be challenging for families. While some of the activities you and your children look forward to will remain the same, some routines will inevitably change after a divorce. It is helpful to discuss what might be different as well as what […]
Dividing Restricted Stock & Stock Options in a Divorce
Restricted stock refers to company shares that are granted to an employee at no cost, but cannot be transferred or cashed in until certain conditions are met such as a defined period of employment or when financial benchmarks are met. Stock options are offered to an employee to purchase company stock at a set price, […]
Health Insurance Coverage Following a Divorce
It is not uncommon for one spouse to be covered under their spouse’s employer-sponsored health insurance plan. When couples divorce, a covered spouse can elect to continue on their ex-spouse’s coverage for up to three years under COBRA. However, although COBRA is certainly a way to bridge the gap following a divorce, it is not […]
Keeping Your Wisconsin Divorce Settlement Agreement on Track
The heart of a Wisconsin divorce settlement agreement will address issues of child custody and visitation, marital property division, spousal maintenance (alimony) and child support. Many hope to reach a settlement to avoid going to court, but it often takes a skilled negotiator to make it happen if the parties do not agree on the […]
Questions to Ask During Your Initial Consultation With a Divorce Lawyer
If you are scheduled for an initial consultation with a divorce lawyer, it is a good idea to think about questions you may want to ask. You will likely want information regarding their experience, a general sense of how your case will be handled, and what fees you can expect. First, let’s consider the attorney’s […]