When the parent of a grandchild has drug or alcohol addiction issues, a grandparent is naturally concerned about the well-being of their grandchild. Every day, grandparents across the country step up to provide not only financial and emotional support, but a safe haven for their grandchildren when their parents struggle with substance abuse. Economic and […]
Guardianship of a Grandchild in Wisconsin
Grandparents may have concerns regarding the well-being of a grandchild when a parent is not providing for their grandchild’s physical, emotional or social well-being. Issues regarding the care of a child may arise when a parent is struggling with substance abuse or mental illness or when the parent is absent for periods of time. […]
Grandparent Visitation Following Divorce or Separation
Grandparents often play an important role in the lives of their grandchildren, aiding in their social and emotional development by providing unconditional love and support. When divorce, separation or other issues in a relationship between a child’s parents occur, grandparents may sometimes struggle to maintain contact with their grandchild, leading to concerns about a grandchild’s well-being. […]
Differences Between Adoption and Guardianship
The difference between adoptions and guardianships are significant: Adoption, on the other hand, terminates a parent’s rights and obligations to the child, severing all ties unless there is a special agreement to continue visitation between the parties. The Role of the Guardian A guardian’s responsibilities typically include providing the day to day needs of a […]
Relationship Between Children and Grandparents
Parents who decide to go their separate ways do not divorce their children or their children’s grandparents when they call it quits although they may wonder if it’s worth all the effort to keep the grandchild – grandparent relationship strong after the divorce. While every situation is certainly unique, the research shows that continuing to […]
Grandparent Visitation Refusal
Grandparents often play an important role in their grandchild’s life. They not only provide love and support, they are a valuable resource of information connecting a grandchild to his or her cultural heritage and family history. Unfortunately, when changes in child’s immediate family occur such as divorce or a parent’s untimely death, or even in […]
Do grandparents have legal rights in Wisconsin?
By Attorney Kellen O’Brien Grandparents are an important part of a child’s life. They not only provide love and affection, but grandparents and other relatives also provide child care and financial support, and they develop deep emotional bonds. Grandparents often form a parental bond with their grandchildren because they are asked to assist their adult […]