Grandparents may have concerns regarding the well-being of a grandchild when a parent is not providing for their grandchild’s physical, emotional or social well-being. Issues regarding the care of a child may arise when a parent is struggling with substance abuse or mental illness or when the parent is absent for periods of time. […]
When Paternity of a Child is not Established
If parents are unmarried and paternity of a child is not established, in most states, the mother is automatically given primary custody rights over a child and is solely responsible for making decisions regarding the child and providing support. When a father wants to assert his parental rights, paternity can be established by signing a […]
Parenting Time Interference
Sometimes, despite having court ordered child custody arrangements, one parent may interfere with approved parenting time directly or indirectly making it difficult for the other parent to see their child or continue a positive relationship. Direct Interference of Parenting Time Direct interference boils down to physically preventing the other parent from seeing the child. The […]
Stipulation Agreements and Temporary Orders in a Divorce
During the divorce process, spouses often need to decide how certain issues such as child or spousal support, marital property division, or child custody will be handled while the parties work to dissolve the marriage. Stipulations are agreements between the parties of a divorce which are presented to a judge before a trial so that […]
Jane Probst Featured on Wisconsin Law Journal Power List
Family law attorney Jane Probst was recently featured in the Wisconsin Law Journal’s Power List of Top Family Law & Estate Planning Attorneys (March 2024, Volume 38, N.3). As a Wisconsin family law ‘power player‘, Jane is committed to providing children with the best possible outcomes in divorce and custody cases. Congratulations Jane!
Changing a Child’s Name After Divorce or Separation
Sometimes, when divorced or separated parents part ways, one parent may not wish to continue a relationship with their child other than providing required financial support. Because of the parent’s absence from their child’s life, the parent with custody, and often their child, may wish to change the child’s surname to the parent they are […]
Grandparent Visitation Following Divorce or Separation
Grandparents often play an important role in the lives of their grandchildren, aiding in their social and emotional development by providing unconditional love and support. When divorce, separation or other issues in a relationship between a child’s parents occur, grandparents may sometimes struggle to maintain contact with their grandchild, leading to concerns about a grandchild’s well-being. […]
Renewed Focus on Income and Parenting Time to Calculate Wisconsin Child Support
Wisconsin utilizes the income share model when calculating child support. This method takes into account both parents’ incomes, approximating the percentage of income each parent will contribute to cover basic support such as food, shelter and clothing; medical support to cover health insurance and medical costs; and variable support to cover costs of education, extracurricular […]
Hiring a Skilled Child Custody Negotiator
When divorcing parents have a dispute regarding custody of their child, the court may appoint a Guardian ad Litem (GAL) to perform an investigation and provide a recommendation to the court. The GAL will advise the court on their findings with regard to what is in the best interests of the child with regard to […]
Modification to Child Support Order When Child Reaches Adulthood
If you are a payor of Wisconsin child support for multiple children, you must file a motion to modify the child support order when the oldest child reaches the age of majority or graduates high school to reduce the child support obligation. There is no statutory mechanism by which child support is automatically adjusted when […]
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