Typically in a divorce, each spouse pays their own divorce attorney. However, Wisconsin law gives the court authority to order one spouse to pay the other party’s attorney fees in certain situations. Disparity in Income Divorcing stay-at-home parents and lower wage earning spouse’s are often relieved to learn that the court will consider the financial […]
Penalties for Violating a Placement or Visitation Order
The penalties for violating a Wisconsin placement or visitation order can be severe. A parent who engages in custodial interference – leaving, taking away, or withholding a child from his or her other parent – may be subject to fines, including the other parent’s attorney’s fees and court costs; jail time; and perhaps a review […]
How Bankruptcy Impacts Divorce Proceedings
If you are divorcing and your spouse decides to filing for bankruptcy protection, it can throw a wrench into the divorce proceedings, at least from the standpoint of the division of marital property and debt. When a spouse files for bankruptcy, an automatic stay goes into effect during the bankruptcy proceeding which can last several […]
Rights to Property Under Cohabitation
Today many more young couples may cohabitate rather than marry, which often results in unforeseen consequences if they separate. Wisconsin does not recognize common law marriage or cohabitation relationships to be legally binding, therefore couples do not enjoy the same protections as a married couple in a divorce with regard to property division. Although martial […]
National Domestic Violence Awareness Month 2023
October is designated as the National Domestic Violence Awareness Month to acknowledge domestic violence survivors and shine a light on the issue of domestic violence. Domestic violence can result in physical injury, psychological trauma, and even death. The devastating consequences of domestic violence negatively effects generations of families for a lifetime. Domestic violence is prevalent […]
Legal Separation vs Divorce in Wisconsin
The state of Wisconsin recognizes both legal separation and divorce when couples decide to part ways. The difference is that a legally separated couple remains married while a divorced couple has the marriage dissolved. Similarities between the two include the division of finances and property as well as the handling of child custody and support. […]
Understanding Common Reasons for Divorce
Financial stress, poor conflict resolution, lack of intimacy, and lack of family support are among the top reasons leading up to a divorce, but all too often couples fail to recognize the signs that a marriage is in trouble before it is too late. Understanding common reasons for divorce can provide valuable information to those […]
How to Protect a Child’s Financial Interests in a Divorce
When couples divorce, one parent may worry about the financial future of a child from the marriage. A parent may be concerned about protecting a child’s inheritance from being divided in the divorce or may wonder how they will afford what their child may need spanning early childhood through college. It is important to […]
Cohabitation Grounds for Terminating Spousal Maintenance?
When a spouse receiving spousal maintenance remarries, the support obligation ends. But, what happens if an ex-spouse lives with someone outside of marriage? In Wisconsin, cohabitation may be grounds for a modification or cessation of spousal maintenance, but cohabitation alone is not enough to modify or terminate maintenance. A court will consider various factors to […]
Probst Law Offices New Brookfield Office
Probst Law Offices welcomes clients to our new location, conveniently located at 300 N. Corporate Drive, Suite 220, Brookfield, WI, 53045. Please stop by and say hello or give us a call at 414-210-3135 to set up an appointment at our new location. Probst Law Offices provides comprehensive family law representation including divorce and legal […]
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