One concern that many divorcing couples share is the cost of getting a divorce. Even when divorcing couples see mostly eye to eye, it is difficult to reach an agreement without legal representation particularly if there are children involved or there are assets to divide, which may or may not be easy decisions to make. […]
Keeping the Car in a Divorce
Wisconsin is a community property state, where everything a married couple owns together is subject to a 50\50 split. However, some property such as a shared vehicle cannot simply be cut in half. Contact a Wisconsin Marital Property Division Lawyer for Help It is important to work with an experienced marital property division lawyer to […]
Establishing Fatherhood
With the marriage rate falling in the U.S., it is not unusual for children to be born to unwed parents. However, when parents of a child are unmarried at the time of birth or the identity of a father is in question, it is important to follow Wisconsin legal procedures to establish paternity. Establishing paternity […]
Legal vs Physical Custody in Wisconsin
Wisconsin Legal Custody Wisconsin child custody falls into two categories: legal custody and physical placement. Legal custody encompasses the legal right to make important decisions regarding your child, which may include where they will attend school, what religion they practice, what medical care they will receive, or even whether they will be permitted to get […]
Life Insurance for Child and Spousal Support Obligations
When spouses divorce, the higher earning spouse may be ordered to pay alimony or, if there are children from the marriage, child support. Because children in particular depend on the financial support of their parents, many wonder what happens in the event of a payor’s untimely death – is there a way to protect the […]
Small Business Transfer in a Divorce
Many Wisconsin couples run small businesses together and, when they divorce, it is not uncommon for one spouse to transfer their ownership interest to the other spouse as part of the divorce settlement. Often it boils down to one spouse not wanting to continue to work alongside the other when both have played an active […]
Conclusive Determination of Paternity
Establishing paternity of a child in Wisconsin may be established by both parents signing off on a Voluntary Paternity Acknowledgement and an Acknowledgement of Marital Child. However, if the parents are in a paternity disagreement, one parent may initiate a method known as Conclusive Determination of Paternity, a process handled through the child support agency […]
Wisconsin Child Relocation
Wisconsin law (Wis. Stat. § 767.481 Relocating a child’s residence) requires divorced parents to get court approval before a child relocation moves a child more than 100 miles away from the other parent unless both parents agree to the terms of the relocation and whether the relocation is in the child’s best interests. Instances where […]
High Conflict Child Custody Disputes
Roughly half of marriages end in divorce and, while many couples aspire to have a “good” or “low conflict’ divorce, sometimes there may be conflicts when children are involved. Parents involved in what is known as high conflict child custody disputes have ongoing disagreements and acrimony on almost every aspect of their child’s upbringing, often […]
Divorced Parents Vie for Child Tax Credits
With tax season in full swing, many divorced parents have questions regarding who gets to claim dependent children, which can have large impact on the taxes they will pay. This is not limited to the head of household filing status, but includes Dependent Care Credits and the Child Tax Credit, which can reduce taxable income […]
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