When there are children involved in a divorce, it is unrealistic to expect that visitation arrangements will be set in stone throughout a child’s life. As the child grows from an infant to a teenager, parents will often make changes to child custody and visitation arrangements to meet their child’s needs. Parents who keep an […]
Keeping Your Wisconsin Divorce Settlement Agreement on Track
The heart of a Wisconsin divorce settlement agreement will address issues of child custody and visitation, marital property division, spousal maintenance (alimony) and child support. Many hope to reach a settlement to avoid going to court, but it often takes a skilled negotiator to make it happen if the parties do not agree on the […]
Wisconsin Custody and Physical Placement of a Child
If you are a parent considering divorce, you and your spouse may be able to work out an agreement regarding child custody and physical placement that works well for your child. Child custody refers to a right to make legal decisions regarding your child, which may include where your child will attend school, their religious […]
Wisconsin Child Support Calculator
If you are a parent considering divorce in Wisconsin, you will likely have questions regarding your child support obligation. The amount of child support that you will pay is determined by how many overnights the children spend at each parent’s home throughout the year. For parents who have less than 25 percent placement, child support […]
When Separate Property Becomes Marital Property
Even though your name might not be on the title of the car or house, Wisconsin is a community property state in a divorce, so half of the marital assets are yours under most circumstances. This is regardless of whether your spouse earned more money or brought in all of the income during the marriage […]
Child Support Modification Questions
Many questions regarding the payment of child support arise when a parent remarries, loses their job, or increases their income. The rule of thumb is that if there is a substantial change in financial circumstances of either or both parents, the amount of child support may be modified. Say for example, a parent remarries. Many […]
Dividing Retirement Benefits
Poorly drafted divorce agreements involving dividing retirement benefits such as 401ks, IRAs and pensions are a common issue resulting in post-divorce litigation. Sometimes, specific details are not addressed in the agreement or a step in the execution process is overlooked. Unfortunately, not getting it right the first time can lead to the loss of valuable […]
Questions to Ask During Your Initial Consultation With a Divorce Lawyer
If you are scheduled for an initial consultation with a divorce lawyer, it is a good idea to think about questions you may want to ask. You will likely want information regarding their experience, a general sense of how your case will be handled, and what fees you can expect. First, let’s consider the attorney’s […]
What Questions Should I Ask About Fees When Hiring a Divorce Lawyer
If you are considering divorce, it is important to understand how attorney billing and miscellaneous fees are handled before hiring an attorney. It is a good idea to ask questions about fees when hiring a divorce lawyer at your initial consultation so you know what you can expect if you hire the attorney. What is […]
What to Expect from Your Divorce Attorney
During your initial consultation with a divorce attorney, it is important to ask questions regarding the handling of your case. The following are some questions you may want to ask to get a feel for the day to day handling of your case before making a decision to hire a divorce attorney: Who will be […]
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