Most children wish to have a good relationship with both parents following divorce. According to research, children often say that the worse thing about a divorce is that they do not get enough time with one or both parents after the split. It may be that the parent they spend the most time with during […]
Divorce and Family Business Valuation
Many couples in the U.S. are small business owners. If you and your spouse are considering divorce, figuring out what to do with the family business requires careful consideration. If you and your spouse have a good working relationship and can put aside your differences, one option is to continue to own the business together. […]
Child Custody Dispute : The Role of the Guardian Ad Litem
If divorcing parents cannot agree on a custody and visitation arrangement for their child, the court may assign a guardian ad litem (GAL) to represent the interests of a child in a Wisconsin child custody dispute. Contested Child Custody and Visitation A guardian ad litem is a person the court appoints to investigate what solutions […]
Wisconsin Grandparent Visitation Rights
Families can grow apart for various reasons and sometimes grandparents become estranged from their grandchildren. Reasons may include issues such as divorce, the death of a parent, drug or alcohol abuse, imprisonment, or a break down in the relationship between the parents and grandparents in general. Grandparents may wish to seek visitation rights with their […]
Child Support Enforcement
If your ex-spouse fails to pay court ordered child support or alimony (spousal maintenance) or is not honoring a child custody and visitation arrangement, they may be found in contempt of court. If you are in a situation such as this, you may file a motion with the court describing the problem in order to […]
Can I Make Changes to My Wisconsin Divorce Decree?
The family law attorneys of Jane Probst Law Offices, S.C., can assist you if you need help modifying any part of your Wisconsin divorce decree. Can Child or Spousal Support Be Modified? If your ex-spouse pays child support and their income has increased, you may be able to petition the court to increase spousal and […]
Parental Rights in Cases of Substance Abuse
Child Custody Determinations When a Spouse Abuses Drugs or Alcohol Unfortunately, many Americans suffer from addiction to drugs and alcohol. Substance abusers can create serious problems within their own families. In many marriages, drug and alcohol abuse is the primary factor in the divorce. When a parent has a history of drug and alcohol abuse, […]
Wisconsin Spousal Maintenance
Alimony is referred to as spousal maintenance in Wisconsin. It is a payment one spouse makes to the other to reduce the financial hardship one may experience in a divorce. When making a Wisconsin spousal maintenance determination, Wisconsin courts will look at various factors to decide the amount and duration of payments to be awarded. […]
Relocating With Children After Divorce | Waukesha Wisconsin Child Custody Lawyer
After parents divorce, circumstances can change in a custodial parent’s life which may result in a relocation. Many states, including Wisconsin, require that a parent planning a move notify the other parent of their intention to relocate with a child. A Wisconsin parent cannot simply leave with their child if the child is subject to […]
Moms Returning to Work After Divorce
The vast majority of parents who take time off to raise children would ultimately like to return to the workplace. This is particularly true for stay-at-home parents that are divorcing who find themselves thrust into finding employment to financially support their family. Returning to Work After a Divorce Although there are more dads staying home […]